Pricing for a single VARIABLE HEIGHT MF Holder + one 120 ANR Insert


For a SINGLE Holder + one 120 ANR Insert only:


Add – MF Film Holder       $79.95 each

Add – Shipping              20.19

Add – PayPal handling fee    3.00 (only required if using any type of PayPal)

Optional – Insurance         2.50

Optional - Global Advantage  6.95 (prepay customs + VAT - details below)

Optional - Extra T-lock      2.50 (price when ordered with holder)

*** Since all single channel film holders now ship with a glass ANR Insert as a standard feature instead of T-locks, no (0) T-locks ship with the standard holder (and therefore are not required anymore) although they may be ordered as an option.


Methods of Payment:


Note:  All payments must be made in U.S. dollar denominated money orders, checks, PayPal, etc.


International money orders, bank drafts or traveler's checks - must be denominated in U.S. dollars. These may be held for up to 14 business days if payment cannot be easily verified (e.g. American Express money orders usually provide confirmation via phone or internet).  Please note, it is almost always less expensive to use PayPal/credit card than it is to buy an international money order or bank draft.

Personal Check
– if you have a U.S.-based checking account, you may send a personal check.  These orders will be shipped when your check clears (up to 7 business days from DSF OmniCorp, LLC's receipt of your check).  Returned/insufficient funds checks will positively incur a $35 returned check charge!

– you may send cash totally at your own risk (in U.S. dollars only).  I will not be held liable for cash funds that fail to reach me.

Credit Cards and PayPal
– PayPal is the only way I can process credit cards.  If you do not have a PayPal account, I can send you an electronic invoice from PayPal that should include a link that will let you make a one-time credit card payment without opening a PayPal account.  You must let me know which exact options you want (e.g. insurance) so that I can send an invoice with the correct amount.

All PayPal payments must be in U.S. dollar denominated funds.  This is a very minimal handling charge to cover the extra time and resources I must dedicate to accept these transactions.  It is still cheaper and faster than getting a money order.  I don’t feel it is fair to raise my prices for those who don’t utilize PayPal, so that is why the extra handling charge only applies to purchases made via PayPal.

Western Union - you may transfer money via Western Union if you wish but I don't recommend it since their service fee is so expensive.


To Submit an Order:

If you have question before ordering, please email us directly at  Please do NOT fill out this order form until you are sure your questions have been answered.


To initiate an order, please fill in the appropriate information, and then click submit.  An e-mail will be sent to me and I will respond to you as soon as possible. 


Brand and model number of your scanner(s): 


How many variable height film holders do you wish to order?

(Ordering multiple units will increase shipping costs a relatively small amount per additional unit)


Do you want a holder with a base height of 1 mm (which is similar in height to a standard OEM Epson holder) or a thinner .5 mm base height?  (If you are unsure which to choose, please click here to re-read about this option.)


The standard ANR Insert that is now included with all single channel film holders takes the place of T-locks.  You may still order T-locks as an option.  If you wish to order T-locks, how many optional T-locks do you wish to order for your single channel Variable Height MF Holder (again, it ships with 0 and the T-locks are not necessary)? 


Do you want shipping insurance? 


This order will be shipped to the following region: 


Do you wish to use the new "Global Advantage Service" program between the

U.S. and Canada that potentially decreases your shipping time and customs + VAT Fees?

From their website: "With prepaid Canadian Duties and Taxes, your First Class Package

International (FCPIS) package is delivered directly to your customer's door without delay or any

fees due upon delivery. Our low flat fee covers all taxes free and clear including duties and value

added taxes (VAT)."  See information at this link:

Prepay a flat $6.95 charge for VAT and customs fees? 


What method do you wish to use for payment? 


Complete first and last name:                                      


Your primary email contact address:                                      


Please reconfirm your primary email address:                                      


Complete telephone number in case of any last minute questions (yes, even international phone numbers!):



Is this telephone number for home, work, or cell? 


Complete NAME and ADDRESS formatted EXACTLY as you wish it to appear on your package.  Make sure to include any apartment or suite numbers as well as a postal/zip code:



Optional: Special comments regarding your order (not for general questions - please send those to before ordering)



You must click on the "Submit" button above to initiate your order.  If your submission is successful, you should be forwarded to a confirmation page.


I will send you a reply e-mail as soon as possible confirming your order, verifying the final cost and sending you final payment instructions.  Please do not send payment until you receive a confirmation e-mail from me!!


Thank you!


Please contact me immediately if you should have a problem with your order and I will make every reasonable effort to correct it as quickly as possible. 


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All information contained in this website ©2024 by DSF OmniCorp, LLC and Doug Fisher and it may not be reproduced in whole, part or spirit without written permission


MF Film Holderä  Patent Pending