Microtek M1 and F1 Scanners

If you are interested in a dual channel film holder for the Microtek M1 or F1 scanner, please email us and let us know that you are interested.  The holder would be very similar to the current holder we offer for other Microtek models (our current Microtek holder can be found at this link) and probably would be priced in the range of $100.00 plus shipping.

At this point, we have just not seen much interest in this scanner.  If in the future there appears to be enough interest, we will consider a production run and then get in touch with those who emailed us to show interest.

Please send us a quick email at scanning@betterscanning.com (just click on the link to start an email to us!) to let us know if you are interested.


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For More Information, e-mail us at:  scanning@betterscanning.com 

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